Driving around in a vehicle is one of the more vulnerable places where you’ll encounter danger or unexpected problems. Assemble an emergency kit to be prepared!
Let’s break this down to a few categories. Items ordered roughly by importance with some preference towards lower cost / higher value items first.
Most of the below list you can just stash in your car and forget about. Probably a third of the items I bring only on trips farther than an hour away.
Emergency Response
Foil Blankets
Window breaker / Seatbelt cutter
First Aid Kit
Should have band-aids, good tweezers, quick clot / tourniquets, gauze, Acetaminophen / ibuprofen, burn ointment, Iodide tablets for radiation, glucose paste for diabetics
Fire Extinguisher
Granola / Protein bar
Lighter / Fire starter
Bonus: Spare socks and shoes
Vehicle Fix-it
Duct Tape and Electrical Tape
Zip ties
Crescent wrench, Phillips and slotted screwdrivers, needle nose pliers, Vise grips
Sockets and driver (10mm at least!)
Jump Starter / Jumper Cables
The little jump start tools are amazing these days. They often have a flashlight built in and USB ports to double as a phone charger in a pinch. Probably best not to regularly leave in a car outside in winter.
Air Compressor / Inflator
Self / Others Defense
Pepper spray
Firearm and ammo
Helpful for Life’s Messes
Baby wipes
Paper towel
Rain Poncho
Pens / Pencils / Sharpie
Helpful if you ever need to jot down a note to leave on an abandoned car or record Insurance info
Plastic grocery bags
Battery Pack / USB Charging Cables
Mainly for phones but have the various common cables like lightning, USB-C, and Micro USB.
Vehicle Incapacitation / Impedance
Hand Saw
Like a Silky saw to cut through brush
Tow Strap
If your vehicle has the capability carrying a strap to yank a car out of the ditch is useful.
Ice Scraper / Brush
Local Maps / Atlas
Meaning a printed / foldable one.
Where to store?
Sometimes you can fit these items in:
- Glove box or center compartment
- Spare tire storage area
- A backpack or small bag you can move in and out if-needed
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