If you’ve cultivated any amount of adoration or respect within a circle, you have a responsibility, and are the one best-suited, to correct that cohort’s negative tendencies. I’ve been following Michael Foster for some time – since his It’s Good to Be a Man podcast and attendant book. As time has gone on I’ve come […]
Hard Questions for Christians on Transgender / Gender Identity Issues
Christianity has only really begin to wrestle with good responses to Transgenderism and issues of Gender Identity in the last few years. The easy questions are what get the attention. What follows are some challenging questions that are difficult to parse through. These questions might be some of the hardest imaginable in terms of having […]
Progressively Building a Killer At-Home Weightlifting Gym
Weightlifting equipment can be helpful but having the perfect set up in the beginning shouldn’t be a show-stopper. Here’s a quick guide to building from essentials to a complete set up for a home gym.
4 Unusual but Effective Ways to Identify a Healthy Church
There are all sorts of markers people use to find a good church… the preaching, the friendliness of the people, the size, etc. Those are helpful in their place but here are a few ways to cleverly get at whether a church is REALLY healthy. 1. Intergenerational and Intra-family Gathering If you’re visiting a church, […]
Essential Vehicle Emergency Tools and Supplies
Driving around in a vehicle is one of the more vulnerable places where you’ll encounter danger or unexpected problems. Assemble an emergency kit to be prepared! Let’s break this down to a few categories. Items ordered roughly by importance with some preference towards lower cost / higher value items first. Most of the below list […]