Christianity has struggled in the last decade. The American church in particular has compromised, rediscovered old heresies, and generally cowered. I submit to you that one of the main reasons is… we have not had an obvious enemy attacking us. The Psalms are filled with talk about being saved from an enemy. In David’s case […]
Outlandish Predictions for 2021 / 2022
Let’s have some fun with what might seem like outlandish predictions. These are in the realm of possible, but whether they are likely or not, we leave up to you 🙂 My theme is: “out of chaos springs opportunity.” There will be some dramatic shifts, counter-reactions and pendulum swings. It will be painful and healthy […]
8 Disconcerting Events of the Past Year that Caught Me by Surprise
As 2020 turns into 2021 here are 8 events that caught me by surprise. This post is mostly because I want a record of the crazy, as we’re prone to forget yesterday before today has ended. 1. The quick implementation of authoritarian approaches (masking, quarantines, lockdowns, curfews) 2. The public gleefully going along with authoritarianism […]
You Need Love Languages but for Communication Methods
In the modern era we have a gazillion ways to contact and communicate with people. But are we being unkind by not first finding out what their preferred method(s) might be? Certain people and groups have been hard to get responses back for me. This has caused me to wonder whether I am mismatching the […]
Don’t Despise the Chastening of 2020
I’ve been seeing all types of “good riddance 2020” or the more aggressive “FU2020”. Yes, there is much evil in 2020 that we would be glad if it stayed in the history of 2020 and not continue forward. However, this attitude of anger towards the hardships of 2020 does not befit the Christian. My son, […]