We’re going to assume you, dear reader, have a moral obligation to protect others. To what extent you protect your own life, or even the argument for the use of deadly force, both are worthwhile things to consider but out of scope for today’s ruminations.
If you decide to take the responsibility of “Self Defense” seriously, here are two foundational presuppositions you should consider:
1. You need to be prepared, mentally and morally, to take a life.
When defensive instructors talk about shooting until the threat is stopped, that often will mean the taking of a life.
This is THE most serious action one human can take against another and the time to decide what you will do is not “in the moment”. Contemplate as many scenarios as possible ahead of time and come to terms with your course of action.
There may be times when a less-lethal approach is possible but these are rare when considering defending your home or defending against an assault.
If you pull a firearm, you need to shoot to kill. If a threat doesn’t necessitate drawing a weapon, you should not draw. And then, once you have decided to shoot, you need to shoot to kill. If the threat was severe enough to warrant shooting, you cannot rely on your marksmanship to “take out a kneecap” or the fact that the threat will even BE incapacitated by anything less than lethal force.
I used to think there were options with firearms that could be intentionally non-lethal. I don’t think that is a common option or prudent. If there is such an occasion, a club, pepper spray, taser, or similar are all better options.
2. If there is ever a defensive altercation, you should desire and work towards an unfair advantage
This isn’t hunting for sport where you shoot a deer with a bow over spraying it with rapid fire from an high caliber rifle.
You want to give yourself a massive advantage in terms of the odds of you taking down the threat and surviving. In most fights you will be unaware of an impending issue which already puts you at a disadvantage. Taking every option you can to give yourself as much of an advantage as possible is a noble pursuit.
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